Οδοντίατρος από τη Μινεσότα είναι ο κυνηγός που σκότωσε τον Cecil, το διάσημο λιοντάρι της Ζιμπάμπουε αποκαλύπτει σήμερα η Telegraph. Σύμφωνα με το δημοσίευμα, ο μεγαλοπρεπής Cecil πέθανε από το βέλος του Walter Palmer, ενός οδοντογιατρού από τη Μινεσότα. Ο Palmer φαίνεται μάλιστα πως είναι πεπειραμένος κυνηγός που έχει κυνηγήσει και σκοτώσει δεκάδες άγρια ζώα.
Ο Cecil ήταν ένα από τα διασημότερα λιοντάρια της Αφρικής και η δημοφιλέστερη τουριστική ατραξιόν για το πάρκο Hwange National Park στη Ζιμπάμπουε. Το 13χρονο αρσενικό λιοντάρι ήταν το καμάρι του πάρκου και ένα από τα πιο αγαπητά ζώα και η είδηση του θανάτου του από τα χέρια ανθρώπου προκάλεσε εκτός από θλίψη, και οργή. Το κουφάρι του Cecil βρήκαν οι φύλακες του πάρκου αποκεφαλισμένο και γδαρμένο πριν από αρκετές μέρες, αλλά μόλις πρόσφατα έγινε γνωστή η θλιβερή απώλεια.
α πρώτα στοιχεία δείχνουν πως το λιοντάρι έπεσε θύμα ενέδρας με δόλωμα. Ο κυνηγός φέρεται να είχε πληρώσει 50.000 ευρώ σε άλλους κυνηγούς για τον βοηθήσουν να εντοπίσει και να σκοτώσει το ζώο. Όπως αναφέρεται οι κυνηγοί κατάφεραν να απομακρύνουν το ζώο από την προστατευόμενη περιοχή προκειμένου να το σκοτώσουν. Αρχικά το χτύπησαν με βέλος και το τραυμάτισαν και μετά από δύο μέρες κατάφεραν να το εντοπίσουν και να το θανατώσουν.
Εκπρόσωπος του φερόμενου ως δράστη ανέφερε πως ο πελάτης του πιστεύει πως ίσως όντως να είναι αυτός που σκότωσε το ζώο, αλλά αρνείται πως γνώριζε τη σημασία του και πως ο τρόπος που κυνήγησε ήταν εκτός νομιμότητας. Σε όλους τους εμπλεκόμενους έχουν ασκηθεί διώξεις για λαθροθηρία και θα κληθούν ενώπιον δικαιοσύνης. Ωστόσο αυτό που προκαλεί ακόμη μεγαλύτερη οργή είναι οι φωτογραφίες του φερόμενου ως δράστη που διέρρευσαν και τον απεικονίζουν να ποζάρει με τα νεκρά ζώα ως τρόπαια.
Οι ψίθυροι του πεδίου εντολές μου !!!
On FEBRUARY 1, 2015 Katy Perry rode into Super Bowl 49 on a LION. Billions of people watched her.
The root of America is Rome.
And the MAGNA MATER or GREAT MOTHER of Rome was a Goddess named CYBELE (the CUBE-BOX).
She is Ancient.
Cybele's most celebrated rites and processions show her as an "EXOTIC MYSTERY-GODDESS WHO ARRIVES IN A LION DRAWN CHARIOT TO THE ACCOMPANIMENT OF WINE, AND A DISORDERLY, ECSTATIC FOLLOWING. Originally a Greek religion, Cybele had a transgender or eunuch mendicant priesthood. Many of her Greek cults included rites to a divine PHRYGIAN castrate shepherd-consort Attis, who was probably a Greek invention. Cybele is associated with fertile nature, and wild animals, especially LIONS.
LIONS = 119 = 911in Simple Gematria
In Rome, Cybele was known as Magna Mater ("Great Mother")
It is interesting, that on February 1st, not only did Katy Perry ride into Super Bowl 49 on a LION just like Cybele the "Great Mother", with her DISORDERLY, ECSTATIC FOLLOWING, but earlier that day, the "Great Mother" of the New York Giants and "First Lady of Football" Ann Mara- (MA-RA), passed away. RIP
Aside: Cybele may root herself to the Hindu Goddess Durga, who also rides on a Lion and is "the Great Mother" - Shakti
One Symbol of Cybele is "the Pine Cone"- A giant Stone Pine Cone is still located at the Vatican in Rome, where her Temple once stood.
CECIL the LION and the Celestial LION's GATE
Cecil reminded me of the LIONS GATE OPENING during the 2012 OLYMPICS
Here is a flashback slide to 2012
Each year on July 26th, a gateway opens with the heliacal rise of the star Sirius in Egypt: the Nile floods, enriching the land, even as the Heavens flood us with cosmic illumination from the Galactic Center. Known as The Lion's Gate, this powerful portal of light code transmissions reaches its peak on 8/8, TODAY! The Stargate closes about August 12th. These dates correspond with the opening and closing of the Olympics.
A bizarre case of Synchromysticism:
Trending in the HEAD lines Today July 30, 2015 - "LIONS -- LOINS -- CECIL -- CECILE"
First Story-- The Center for Medical Progress (CMP), an organization supported through funding and consulting by Operation Rescue, released videos that they said depicted Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of harvested fetal organs and tissue.
Basically they accused Planned Parenthood of aborting Fetuses aka "fruit of the LOINS" and then selling the parts.
The President of Planned Parenthood is CECILE Richards.
Second Story-- Dentist Walter Palmer kills a famous LION named CECIL
LION (Panthera leo) is one of the five big cats in the genus Panthera
LOIN - In humans, the region of the sexual organs, especially when regarded as the source of erotic or procreative power. -- "fruit of his loins" is used to refer to "children"
CECIL a famous LION
CECILE a famous LOIN harvester
Did you ever think that the death of CECIL the LION
is really symbolic of something much bigger?
CECIL the LION was named after one of the Richest Men in the World ---- the Man's name was CECIL RHODES.
This man, CECIL Rhodes, was so powerful and rich that the country where CECIL the LION was killed, ZIMBABWE, was once called RHODESIA --- named after CECIL RHODES--
CECIL John Rhodes (5 July 1853 – 26 March 1902) was a British imperialist, businessman, mining magnate, and politician in South Africa. An ardent believer in British colonialism, Rhodes was the founder of the southern African territory of Rhodesia, which was named after him in 1895.
At his death CECIL was considered one of the wealthiest men in the world. In his will, written in 1877, before he had accumulated his wealth, CECIL Rhodes stated that he wanted to create a SECRET SOCIETY that would bring the whole world under British rule, including the UNITED STATES----
CECIL Rhodes wanted to expand the British Empire because he believed that the Anglo-Saxon race was destined to greatness. In his last will and testament, Rhodes said of the British, "I contend that WE ARE THE FINEST RACE in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by "the most despicable specimens of human beings" what an alteration there would be if they were brought under ANGLO - SAXON influence, look again at the extra employment a new country added to our dominions gives." He wanted to make the British Empire a superpower in which all of the British-dominated countries in the empire, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Cape Colony, would be represented in the British Parliament. CECIL Rhodes included American students as eligible for the Rhodes scholarships. (INCLUDING PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON WHO WAS A RHODE'S SCHOLAR AT OXFORD)--
CECIL said that he wanted to breed an AMERICAN ELITE of PHILOSOPHER - KINGS who would have the United States REJOIN THE BRITISH EMPIRE. As Rhodes also respected the Germans and admired the Kaiser, he allowed German students to be included in the Rhodes scholarships. He believed that eventually the United Kingdom, the USA, and Germany together would dominate the world and ensure peace.--
CECIL the LION was murdered, and now the world mourns--
---But maybe, (with CECIL the Lion's blood on our minds), instead of the grand vision of elitist CECIL Rhodes, who if he had his dreams fulfilled, would have the entire continent of Africa, and the rest of World under British Elitist Rule and subjugation ---- instead of that vision, there can be a new vision.
Maybe as compassionate Humans --- we will now direct our disgust toward all inhumane acts--- the beheadings, the mutilations, the racism, and the evil --- all of it ----
It should be noted that CECIL Rhodes in 1888 started one of the greatest DIAMOND Companies in Africa --the De Beer's Diamond Company.
And again note, former President Bill Clinton went to Oxford as a CECIL RHODE's SCHOLAR ---- his wife, Hillary Clinton is presently running for the Presidency of the United States.
CECIL RHODES in Gematria = 606
606 is the Cosmic Door
The two brothers were the: BLIND SIXTH FRAGRANT MOON.