Τρίτη 12 Απριλίου 2016


Shem from Discerning The Mystery put together a fantastic compilation of research and evidence unequivocally demonstrating that Voice of God or Voice to Skull technology is very real. 

I focused on the psychological foundations of externalized forms of mind control in the below-linked article. While this information can be disturbing, gaining knowledge of it is essential to develop immunity against it. 

The evidence presented below—in one case a patent for a device from 1989, and the discovery of the Microwave Auditory Effect in World War II—is undeniable proof that these technologies exist. 

One positive perspective to consider is that these technologies demonstrate the proof concept that the human body is most definitely capable receiving and understanding subtle energies. The fact that our nervous system can receive electromagnetic signals and translate them into discernible information is truly astounding. For if information receipt can be induced using these artificial means, imagine what can be done with a properly trained mind and tuned body. 

 “What we do now echoes in eternity.”

Consider that everything we think ripples out into the universe, in part, as electromagnetic waves, via our emotions. Consider what we do physically is recorded and stored in time via the universe of energy and matter. These simple truths means that a record of everything that has occurred in the universe of time and space is swirling about us as a symphony of energy and wave forms. This has been called the Akashic record in some circles, which according to monastic traditions and mystery schools, can be accessed via mental discipline exercises. 

If this is true, and by all accounts it is, all we need do is tune our body to the radio station we want to hear, and a flood of information will fill our minds. As an example of this ability, consider remote viewing and that one can access information from seemingly any time or place simply by focusing on an aspect of it. The CIA and DIA have extensively used these methods for intelligence gathering purposes, further underscoring the reality of extrasensory perception.  

So while this information can be unsettling, to the holistic truth seeker, it is evidence of the interconnected nature of reality, and that our bodies are a kind of temple or antenna for receiving wisdom from the universe. 
