Δευτέρα 5 Μαΐου 2014


The big push by the Nazi cabal government in the US to use Ukraine as a means to destroy Russia is blowing up in their faces and is instead leading to the total quarantine of the criminals in Washington D.C.

The Nazi plan is to fan the crisis in the Ukraine as an excuse to start a boycott of the Russian oil industry and thus bankrupt Russia. This plan worked before when the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was used to start a boycott of Soviet oil and thus bankrupt the Soviet Union.

This time, however, the opposite is happening. First of all, British Petroleum (British Monarchy), Shell (Dutch Monarchy), Total (French Rothschilds) and Exxon/Mobil (Rockefeller) are all deeply involved in the Russian oil business. That means the European oligarchy and a large part of the US oil oligarchy too, are not going to go along. Neither will Saudi Arabia or Iran or other major oil producing countries. Their governments have said so repeatedly.

The Germans will not go along with any plans to sanction Russia either because German industry is deeply interconnected with the Russian economy.

So Mr. Bush, it seems you and your Nazi buddies have run out of friends.

Instead, a counter-attack is continuing against all major Bush/Nazi spheres of influence including the Muslim Brotherhood, J.P. Morgan (remember all those bankers falling off roofs?) and the global Bush/CIA drug monopoly.

Perhaps it should come as no surprise then that last week a person claiming to represent “the man who ordered the death of President Kennedy,” came to speak with a member of the White Dragon Society. The talk was complicated and covered much esoteric ground but, basically it was a combination information sharing, veiled threats and offers of cooperation. More about that further down.

There was also an invitation sent out by the Russians for a WDS representative to fly to Moscow for talks in the near future. In preparation for this…